Thursday, 24 December 2015

Christmas Festivities

Although term has ended, and Christmas is here, I'm still finding myself thinking about my uni to do list and the studying I could be doing in my now very free time! However I've told myself that I will get some work done after Christmas and not before. I'm currently preparing some blog posts for next year, so i thought as I have definitely earned some time off, I'd write a post about the Christmas festivities I've crammed into this week.

1. Visiting friends
Life can get pretty hectic when you're spending all day working/attending lectures and then probably spending the evenings studying and working on assignments etc. So this week I've got in touch with people I haven't seen for a while; friends who have been busy working as well as friends who are home from uni for christmas themselves. Make some time to catch up with those nearest and dearest to you, after all that's what Christmas is all about right?

2. Decorating my flat
I actually started this at the beginning of December, we've got a Christmas tree and we've got festive candles. We've got christmas bed sheets, and christmas pillows. We're ready for Santa.

3. Watching Christmas films
As I write this, I am sat on the sofa underneath the cosiest blanket watching Elf. There's nothing better, is there? I've also watched The Grinch. And after this I'll probably watch, Love Actually. And then when I've run out of Christmas DVDs I will pray that there are some good ones on TV.

4. Listening to Christmas music
Last night I went on a very late night run to the supermarket for last minute christmas eve dinner bits. On the way home we blasted Michael Buble's christmas album and sang along. It was great. It also reminded me that I haven't made a Christmas playlist yet this year, so that's now on my list of things to do. It's essential for present opening in the morning!!

5. Taking the time to remember how lucky we are 
This is something I've spent quite a bit of time doing. As I'm sure is the case for most people - as I've got older, Christmas has become less about the presents and more about the people. I am so lucky to have my family, and friends around. Lucky to have a bed to sleep in and food to eat. Lucky to have presents to open on Christmas morning. There are many people who aren't as lucky as me, and I'm definitely not taking that for granted this year. 

What have you spent your holiday doing? If you have any requests for blog posts in the new year, I'd love some suggestions! Email me at !! I'm aiming to post a lot more regularly in the new year... One of my new year resolutions! 

I hope you all have a lovely day with the people you love, eating yummy food and being happy! 

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